Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Professional Environments for Professionalism - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theProfessional Environments for Professionalism. Answer: Declaration: I declare that the assignment is based on my own work and that all material previously written or published in any source by any other person has been duly acknowledged in the assignment. I have not submitted this work, or a significant part thereof, previously as part of any academic program. In submitting this assignment I give ACS permission to copy for assessment purposes only. Week 3- Introduction to Ethics and Professionalism Part 1: Solving of Ethical Dilemmas Week 3 -Discussion Forum answers The Cultural Issues that can have an impact on an ICT Professional if one of the Organization Merges with another Being an ICT Professional, there are indeed numerous cultural issues that will have an impact on me especially if my organization has merged with another one. For example, such an impact can occur in cross cultural issues as the tradition in which such people in the different organization execute their jobs. It is prudent to note that the culture of an organization can either help or even hurt its productivity through the creation of an environment which promotes a good or viable work ethic. Having the appropriate organizational culture implies that a business is capable of performing its competition (Flatau et al, 2017). Generally, merging one particular culture into another one may actually be called using different names such as development, transculturation, or eclecticism. As an ICT professional, the merging of an organization with another one which has a different cultural background may prove hectic to me because not only will it create communication barriers among the people I will interact with but it also implies that it I will take a significant time before I finally comprehend what is associated to their cultural backgrounds. The Framework that will be used in Analyzing Scenarios in Assignment One After going through the seminar for this week, I opted to use the Macdonald framework in order to effectively analyze the scenario. I highly believe that the Macdonald framework is the best and easy one since it covers all areas that can help in solving the issue in the case study. The steps involved in the Macdonald framework greatly help in analysis of not only stakeholders, but also in the decisions impact, professionalism, and ethics. This is quite true since Macdonald greatly helps in the recognition of moral dimensions on staff management in the scenario because it comprises of sketches and principles about the next course of action. Apart from that, Macdonald further suggests the taking of legal decisions which are within the organizational rules. This is because it further discusses decisions with the appropriate persona and the effects of decisions which have been implemented. In essence, the major reason as to why I selected the Macdonald framework in making decisions is th at its wide range of steps helps in coming up with good decisions. For the Macdonald framework to work better, it is important to ensure that each sequence is followed one by one. Analyzing of a Situation In the organization I was working in during internship, one of my friend found that the accountant had not locked the door and therefore he decided to take 5000 dollars. He informed me that he was ready to share with me the amount as long as I did not reveal the sensitive information to anyone in our company. In order to ascertain whether this indeed was an unethical situation, I asked myself several questions such as how will the accountant feel to realize that I knew the person who took the money and I did not reveal him? What if the office we were in had the CCTVs in it and our conversation was being reported? One of the facts I needed to consider was the reaction of my friend if I told him to return back the money. In order to help me come up with a viable decision and responses to such questions, I had to use the Whites 3-step method to effectively frame my responses. As an ICT professional, it is quite unethical to take anything that belongs to another person without permission and thus the action that was taken by my friend of taking money from the accountants office without authority was straight away an unethical behavior. That apart, the endeavors by my friend to bribe me in order to keep quite or keep a secret was also unethical because as a professional, I am supposed to reveal any evil deeds that occur in my organization. the Companys Value Statement/Code of Ethics Based on the organization that I was working for while I was in internship, it is quite evident that it had a good code of ethics. This is attributed to the fact that all the employees in the organization were supposed to have Personal Integrity. This implied that the employees in the organization were supposed to act with due care and intelligence and ensure that any decisions which they made were not only fair and honest but they were also timely, impartial, and considered all information which was relevant. That apart the Relationships/Interaction of employees with others was supposed to be positive. This implies that they should treat all people in the organization with sensitivity, courtesy, respect and also ensure that they realize their safety, welfare, rights, and interests. That apart, employees in the organization were also supposed to be Accountable (Morris et al, 2017). This implies that the employees were supposed to use the resources of the organization in an accountabl e and responsible way and ensure that they are not only efficient, but also appropriate and effective use of the financial, natural, physical, information, property, and human resources in the organization. A Discussion of the Ethical, Professional, and Legal issues that arose from the Scenario Week 3 Journal There is lots of information, experience, and knowledge that I have learnt in the professional Environments, Internship activities, as well as learning week. As an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Practitioner, I have learnt to not only how to effectively manage risks at my respective place of work but I have also learnt the various issues of sustainability and made aware of the various aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility at my place of work. It is through the learning week and internship activities that I was able to learn that at all times, I am always supposed to not only behave ethically but also deal with any daily events as well as problems in which the occurrence of conflicts of interests can make the arrival of decisions that are ethically correct to become a problem. It is also through the learning week that I was accorded with the opportunity of examining numerous problems in theory which significantly helped me in resolving any issues in an ethical man ner whenever they arose at the work place. The use of case studies helped me to get first hand information on how issues should be handled in a professional and ethical manner in the organization. The second Case study Based on the second case study on the Conflict of Interest, it is quite apparent that it will unprofessional and unethical for Hardeep, the IT manager of the government department to award the tender to Company B just because the owner of the company and General Manager, a Mr. Mandeep is his best friend. That apart, it will also be unethical for Mr. Hardeep to award the tender to of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to company B knowing or being well aware that despite the fact that its software appears less as opposed to that of company B, it will ultimately become expensive at last because it will require some of modifications before it is finally used thus increased the costs. Despite the fact that Hardeep got a phone call requesting a favor from Mandeep, it is important that he does not honour the favor even though his friend wants the work. Based on the case study, it is quite evident that the friendship that Hardeep has with Mandeep will quite ultimately result in an ethical problem especially if Hardeep goes ahead and awards the contract to his friend Mandeep knowing very well that his friend will be supplying substandard software that will eventually require some modifications in future. Owing to the fact that Hardeep is heading a government department which is also in the public sector, it will be important for him to ensure that the minimum standards of conduct and integrity are duly compiled with and also expressed through three major principles namely personal integrity, relationships with others, and on accountability. This implies that Hardeep must act with due diligence and care and ensure that the decisions he makes on behalf of the organization and not only fair and honest but they are also impartial and they are done for the general good and benefit of the organization. That apart, Hardeep must also ensure that he treats all individuals in the organization with utmost sensitivity, courtesy, and respect and also ensure that he duly puts into consideration the welfare, the safety, the rights, and the interests of all stakeholders in the organization. That apart, it will be prudent for Hardeep as the organizational manager to ensure that he becomes accountable to the organization. This implies that Hardeep should use the resources belonging to the state organization in an accountable and manner which will ensure that there is efficient, appropriate, and effective use or utilization of the organizations physical, financial, natural, and human resources. As an employee of the public sector, Hardeep will also be forced to ensure that he strictly follows the codes of conduct and more specifically the principles of official conduct based on the Public Sector Principles of part 2 of the Public Sector management Act 1994 (the Act which fully outlines the relevant principles associated with public administration as well as management, conduct, and human resource management. This implies that Hardeep should always ensure that all decisions that he makes on behalf of the company do not negatively affect it but rather should work for the common good of the organization. Week 4- Introduction to Ethics and Professionalism Part 2: It Governance and legal Requirements Journal Entry Based on my internship activities, professional environment, and other general learning aspects, I can truly assert that there is a lot that I have learnt regarding not only corporate values but also about Corporate Culture. It is actually through them that I have learnt about the appropriate professional and ethical behaviours that I am supposed to uphold while at not only my place of work as an ICT professional but also while interacting with all people of the society under different situations or circumstances. My internship provided me with a good opportunity of knowing the values corporate values that had to been embraced by various stakeholders in the organization. It is through the internship program I underwent that I was able to ascertain that indeed, there were various Corporate Statements, Visions, and Values that were embraced by the organization and which greatly helped it to not only achieve its goals and productivity but to also enable it to become more productive and generate more profitability as a business entity. That apart, it is through the professional environments and learning that I was made aware that some of the major reasons as to why some organizations displayed their corporate values and explicitly tied them towards their respective goods or services was so as to secure the confidence of the consumers or customers and also create a harmonious working environment. It is also through learning that I was able to know that values greatly determined the behavior of an organization and also formed the basis for the codes of conduct of such an organization. Forum Feedback In the company that I worked in, there was no evidence of a Formal Information Technology Governance Framework but however, to ensure that it had efficiency, value, and control, there was a set of rules and regulations hanged in the organization which were supposed to be followed by all and sundry. One of the situations in my internship in which I will be supposed to take into account or consideration of the Australian Standard in order to fulfill my ICT task is when I am doing the cabling for any network in the organization. I will ensure that I use appropriate cables that conform to the Australian standard. While networking computers to the Intranet in my internship organization, I will have to ensure that I take into account compliance or legislation in order to fulfill my ICT task so that the organization is not sued for failing to comply with the legislation. References Thielking, M., Gerardi, N., Williams, B.B., Terjesen, M.D. and Flatau, P., 2017. Resources for Ethical School Psychological Practice in Australia. In Handbook of Australian School Psychology (pp. 111-124). Springer International Publishing. Zutshi, A., Wood, G. and Morris, L., 2017. Reflections on teaching business ethics. Business Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, p.1.

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