Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Aboriginal Women in Canada Essays - 1375 Words

The issue of violence against Aboriginal women is my chosen subtopic that strongly contributes to the history of Aboriginal women’s struggle for rights and identity in Canada. To search relevant newspaper articles for this topic, the databases that were used were Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe, as well as Canadian Newsstand Major Dailies. The reason these two databases were chosen was because Canadian Newsstand offered articles from multiple newspapers in the country, therefore providing me with diverse news in different provinces other than Ontario. The article I obtained from Canadian Newsstand was Canada Called on to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women from the Leader Post newspaper in Saskatchewan. Lexis Nexus provided one article I†¦show more content†¦He called for a national inquiry into missing and slain women. Premieres did not fully confirm a national inquiry, but promised to heighten awareness, and combat violence against the women. Barker, J. (2008). Gender, Sovereignty, Rights: Native Womens Activism against Social Inequality and Violence in Canada. American Quarterly, 60(2), 8. Retrieved fro m http://search.Proquest.com.Ez proxy.library.yorku.ca/docview/61688929?Acc ountid=15182. Reviews the amendments of the 1868 Indian Act, highlighting the conflicts of superiority of rights to Indian men over women. Discusses the avoidance of violence and discrimination against women within communities and the need for an equal relationship between genders Brownridge, D. A. (2003). Male Partner Violence Against Aboriginal Women in Canada: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 18, 65-83. Retrieved f rom DOI: 10.1177/08862605 02238541. Using an empirical approach, Douglas Brownridge conducted a large-scale sample experiment between Canadian women, focusing on the significance in increase of violence with Aboriginal Women based on many variables. Violence against Aboriginal women increased at all levels of severity, and are more likely to be ongoing than other non-Aboriginal relationships. Kyle, A. (2008, December 4). Canada Called On to Stop Violence Against Aboriginal Women. Leader Post [Regina, Sask.], p. A7. Retrieved fromShow MoreRelatedAboriginal Children and Women are an Impediment to Development in Canada1359 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Topic: The ongoing targeting of Aboriginal Children and Women is a significant impediment to development in Canada. In my research essay I propose to engage the analytical concept of intersectionality to critically interpret government-led development initiatives in Canada and the wider world from a postcolonial/feminist perspective. 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Condition Aboriginal Non-aboriginal All Men Women All Men Women Asthma 11.7 9.8 13.5 8.3 6.8 9.6 Bronchitis 4.9 3.5* 6.2 2.4 1.9 3.0 Emphysema 1.0* 1.3* 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.6 COPD 0.6* n/a n/a 0.7 0.7 0.7 All respiratory diseases 15.2 13.3 17.0 10.4 9.0 11.9 Data Source: Centre for Rural Northern Health Research 2010; using data from the 2005 Canadian CommunityRead MoreEssay on Aboriginal People of Canada1267 Words   |  6 PagesAboriginal People of Canada Over the past decades, Aboriginal people (the original people or indigenous occupants of a particular country), have been oppressed by the Canadian society and continue to live under racism resulting in gender/ class oppression. The history of Colonialism, and Capitalism has played a significant role in the construction and impact of how Aborignal people are treated and viewed presently in the Canadian society. The struggles, injustices, prejudice, and discrimination

Monday, December 16, 2019

A summary of Literature Review of the Health Effects of Obesity Free Essays

Heslehurst et al (2008), in a study about complications of obesity, sought to determine the effect of maternal BMI status on outcomes of pregnancy with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications. The study was a meta-analysis study that aimed to investigate the relationships between maternal obesity and its impact on obstetric care. Literature concerning cohort studies of pregnant mothers was searched. We will write a custom essay sample on A summary of Literature Review of the Health Effects of Obesity or any similar topic only for you Order Now The pregnant women under study were required to have their anthropometric measurements taken within sixteen weeks gestation, followed up during pregnancy with at least 1 obese and 1 group for comparison. The meta-analysis showed that maternal obesity was significantly related to increased odds of instrumental and caesarian deliveries, hemorrhages, infections, longer hospital stay and increased requirement for neonatal care. Maternal obesity had a significant contribution to poor prognosis for mother and baby when delivering and immediately during the post-partum period. The National clinical for managing obese pregnant women and public health should urgently therefore come up with interventions to address health of mothers and their babies. Study 2 Sullivan et al (2008) sought to investigate the effect of obesity on diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipedemia. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) for 2000 and 2002 was used to estimate the impact of health on people with hyperlipedemia, diabetes and hypertension. Multivariate regression methods for controlling variables such as age, race, sex, ethnicity, education, insurance, income, smoking status, proxy response and morbidity were used.   Instruments used in the study include SF-12 physical component scale (PCS-12), mental component scale (MCS-12), visual analogue scale (VAS) and EQ-5D index. The least absolute deviation that was censored was used to for the VAS and EQ-5D while the ordinary least squares (OLS) were employed for the PCS-12 and MCS-12. It was concluded that, obesity significantly aggravates the association between diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipedemia and health function, health perception in United States. Merten et al (2008) undertook a study to investigate racial and gender differences in adolescent and young adult psychosocial outcomes. Sample size used was 7,881 African American (915 males and 1,073 females) and white (2864 males and 3029 females) adolescents. The study was basically concerned with examinations of psychosocial consequences that are encountered by obese adolescents. Results of the study showed that obesity in females is associated with lower status when one attains young adulthood. The obese females also tend to be depressive than normal weight females. However, obesity status does not affect the psychosocial outcomes in young adult males. There was no evidence to indicate an interaction between obesity and race. Conclusion Obesity in individuals leads to both psychological and physiological consequences. Obesity in pregnant women causes various complications which include hemorrhages, neonatal trauma, caesarian and instrumental deliveries among others. Obesity in teenagers leads to low self esteem especially in girls. At the same time obesity exacerbates hyperlipedemia, diabetes and hypertension in individuals suffering from these conditions. References Wang, F and Veugelers, P.J (2008). Self-esteem and cognitive development in the era of the childhood obesity epidemic. Obesity Reviews. 9(6): 615-623 Qi et al (2008). Gene-environment interaction and obesity. Nutrition Reviews. 66(12):684- 694. Heslehurst et al (2008). The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 9(6): 635-683. Sullivan et al (2008). The impact of obesity on diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension in the United States, Quality of Life Research 17(8):1063-1071 Merten et al (2008). Adolescent Obesity and Young Adult Psychosocial Outcomes: Gender and Racial Differences, Journal of Youth Adolescence, 37(9):1111-1122. Other Sources for Literature Review of health effects of obesity How to cite A summary of Literature Review of the Health Effects of Obesity, Essays

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Current Business Intelligence In Academia -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Current Business Intelligence In Academia? Answer: Introducation Electronic commerce is basically the process of carrying out business transactions by electronic, i.e. through the internet. It can be referred to as online buying and selling of goods or services of a business. Electronic commerce is a process that draws its effects and efficiency on technology advancement and improvement (Barnes et al, 2016), e.g. mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, online marketing and selling, data collection and exchange, business networking opportunities to name just but a few (Abebe, 2014). The e-commerce operates under four major business aspects, i.e. as business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-business. Therefore, this means that electronic commerce enables businesses and its stakeholders to work as a team towards achieving business objectives in an effective and efficient manner. The business are able to connect with other businesses, the consumers and the consumers connect with each other (Hoque et al, 2017) . E-commerce can be applied through the use of emails, online catalogs, online shopping charts, internet services and the EDI to name a few things (Ferreira et al, 2017). Project Objective This research project is meant to identify, analyze and evaluate the opportunities and problems that face business organizations that have adopted the use of electronic commerce in Australia. The opportunities refer to the reasons or benefits that accrue to the use of e-commerce in businesses while problems refer to the challenges that are cause or hinder the adoption of e-commerce in businesses located in Australia. Project Scope A project scope is used to identify the projects deliverables and the requirements of the end product or result which includes the identification of the listing of the project constraints and location. The research project will be limited to the identification and discussion of just the opportunities and problems that face business that have adopted electronic commerce. Additionally, the project will focus only on the restaurant businesses that operate within Australia. The project will last for just two months. With the current rates and levels of technology improvement and advancement, the adoption of electronic commerce is also becoming a norm for and a popular operation aspect in almost all business enterprises (whether small or large) (Wixom et al, 2014). The improved technology has led to improved electronic and technological appliances and devices like mobile phones, computers, televisions, programs and other applications that can be used in those devices to access the internet (Laudon et al, 2013). Therefore, this has led a large number of businesses into adopting the use of electronic commerce, especially in the developed countries like Australia. Opportunities for Using Electronic Commerce As the worlds population levels increasing, so do the number of consumers in the market. This means that every consumer has their own needs and wants, has different preferences when it comes to shopping and payment methods among other things. Also, it is important to note that, of the total worlds population, the largest population is taken by the consumers with high spending rates and behavior. Apparently, almost every operations of the consumers, suppliers and other business stakeholders are being dominated by use of technological devices/appliances (Hew et al, 2016). In that case, this situation creates a great opportunity for business enterprises to adopt the use of electronic commerce which is possible only with devices that that can access the internet. The opportunity basically is to enable the businesses access the worlds growing and developing market segment. Competition Every business must find a way to gain competitive advantage of its rivals in the market and industry. In the modern world, there is a lot of competition of businesses especially those that are trying to be associated with technology development and advancement. However, research has shown that the online commerce platform is currently one the most competitive platforms in the world. Businesses are trying to get recognized through the use of social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter among others (Turban et al, 2017). The online commerce platform offers many businesses an opportunity to increase and improve their competitive advantage by exposing them to the world which basically one of the major ways for businesses to improve its performance and productivity. Growth Potential The electronic platform is one of the fastest growing field in the business world. The more the technology advancement, the more and faster the growth of the fields that rely on it. The electronic commerce id being used by large numbers of businesses, groups and individuals to conduct their daily operations. For instance, the platform can be used for different purposes like to marketing, making sales, making purchases, for sharing information, for promotion purposes, connectivity of different businesses among other things. In addition to that, the platform is still improving and its uses will increase and vary as well. Furthermore, research has shown that many consumers are already using the e-commerce which gives an opportunity to the businesses for their growth as well. According to Savru et al, 2014, the businesses that have adopted the use of the e-commerce get better opportunities for growth simply because they are capable of conducting almost all of their operations at once or in one platform and reach their intended customers worldwide. Global Market Access Electronic commerce uses the internet for its operations. The internet is a world wide web that offers connection to every computer and any other electronic device in the world that can access to internet. Therefore, this means electronic commerce is also available in the whole world and can be accessed by any device. This is basically one of the key opportunities that e-commerce offers to business organizations. They basically have the chance to conduct their operations all over the world, eg sell products and services. However, this is mostly possible for businesses that have adopted the use of the most current technology as well as in the developed countries whose technology advancement levels are high (Nanehkaran, 2013). Businesses located in such countries like Australia, find it easy to do business operations via e-commerce which contributes greatly to the businesss development. Other opportunities that e-commerce offers to business that have adopted its use are: offers opportunities for businesses to communicate effectively and efficiently with consumers, opportunities for easy advertising and marketing techniques, opportunity for better connectivity chances with other business especially during business information outsourcing operations, opportunities for improving and developing its technology status among others. Problems of Using Electronic Commerce in businesses In the current world, the technology advancement has caused increased rates of cyber insecurity. The internet has basically enabled many criminals to steal business information especially those that use e-commerce to conduct their operations. Among all the users of the internet especially the social media only desire to meddle with the business websites and information. Through this they get the opportunity to infect it with viruses or any other malicious program that interferes with the businesss operations (Wixom et al, 2014). In most cases, these situations are aimed at stealing business information or rather interfering with it, eg stealing food preparation recipes or financial data. Therefore, this is a problem for many businesses that have adopted the use of e-commerce. Increased number of Competitors A business that has adopted the use of e-commerce has exposed itself to the whole world and therefore faces competition from rivals all over the world. The number of competitors involved in an e-commerce platform and much more than those that are found in a local market. These businesses compete with businesses that produce or manufacture the same kind of products (foods) or services (eg accommodation and hotel services) and unless the businesss products are of higher and better quality than the competitors, then they will not be purchased by consumers (Turban et al, 2017). Therefore, the problem of many competitors can negatively a businesss performance and productivity among other things. High costs involves For a business to improve its performance and productivity levels, it must be able to manage and monitor its operations effectively and efficiently. Apparently, for a business to go digital or global, it can be a very costly process (Turban et al, 2016). The business should ensure that there is data availability, smarter methods of selling, advertising and marketing and the capability of operating a multichannel business in general which can be a very expensive process. Apart from these, there are other problems that are experienced by businesses that have adopted the use of electronic commerce, e.g. problems in maintaining customer loyalty, problems when customer return purchased products and need to be refunded their money, struggles when it comes to the shipping and transportation costs involved, management challenges (Hisrich et al, 2017),some businesses lack effective and attractive web content especially in a social media platform to name just but a few. Research Justification The research is based on the opportunities and problems of social electronic commerce for businesses in Australia. Just as mentioned earlier, a large of business organizations are currently using the e-commerce to conduct their operations. E-commerce has apparently become one of the most common and popular operations for businesses of today especially restaurants that are trying to be technologically advanced. However, since electronic commerce is entirely determined by technology advancement, any effect (whether positive or negative) caused by improvement in technology also affects e-commerce directly. In that case, it is important to note that research has shown that technology development has caused immense effects on the internet use, both positive and negative. Therefore, with many businesses especially restaurants currently using the social e-commerce like social medial platforms to market, advertise, sell products, communicate to consumers among other things, it is crucial to research on the opportunities and problems that are possibly faced by the businesses that have adopted e-commerce use. The methodology that will be used to conduct the research is the qualitative methodology. The methodology focuses entirely on the research of aspects that relate to human behavior and the result or cause of those behaviors (Gill et al, 2008). Therefore, in this case, the methodology will enable the researcher to examine the effects of the use of e-commerce in business that cannot be quantified or measured. Some of these effects are the opportunities and problems experienced by these businesses due to use of e-commerce. Data Collection Method The data will be collected by the use of interviews, questionnaires and observations which are the most effective data collection methods in collecting qualitative research data (Grossoehme, 2014). The researcher will conduct interviews for businesses managers and employees that are located close to the researchers location. The interviews will be carried out for respondents whose businesses are located far away from the researchers location. The interviews will focus on the respondents views, experiences, motivations, believes and opinions about the businesss decision to use social electronic commerce (Hoare et al, 2013). The observation will be carried out just like an additional way to get more information on the respondents. Reliability and Validity The method will be able to provide reliable and effective data because it is actually the best method for such a project. The research focuses on identifying the opportunities and problems experienced by businesses, in Australia that have adopted the use of social electronic commerce. These two are basically unquantifiable research aspects or variables therefore suitable to be determined by use of such a method. Sampling method and Sample Size The researcher will randomly choose restaurant businesses in any industry but those that use social electronic commerce and locate in Australia. The researcher will list them in disorderly order and choose a small sample size from the large group of businesses by choosing one business and passing the other. Research Limitations Every research faces some problems or limitations from the beginning of the research to the end. The following are some of the problems that the researcher may face during the research: Problems in identifying the specific most common opportunities experienced and problems faced by the businesses that use e-commerce in Australia. Problems in convincing businesses to share their experiences with the researcher Some businesses may not be available to answer the questionnaires or undergo the interviews Some respondents like managers may fail to give their opinions on the use of e-commerce by the business Time Schedule DAYS/DATE 1st-7thNov 2017 8th-14th Nov 2017 15th-29th Nov 2017 30th-13th Dec 2017 14th-21st Dec 2017 22nd-29th Dec 2017 Research topic Project scope and objectives Literature review Research methodology Research limitations Research conclusion 1st 2nd day Brainstorm Brainstorm on project scope Research on opportunities Methodology design Review research Review research 3rd 4th day Research Brainstorm on project objectives Research on opportunities Data collection method Review research Review research 5th day Compare options Decision making Research on opportunities Validity and reliability Review research Review research 6th 7th day Decide on topic Research on opportunities Sampling method and size List limitations Make conclusions 8th 9th day Research on problems 10th 11th day Research on problems 12th day Research on problems 13th 14th day Research on problems Concclusion Businesses that have adopted the use of social electronic commerce have been given great opportunities that are capable of improving their performance and increasing their productivity. For instance, they have the opportunity to access global market, face other business in the world to compete which gives them the chance to learn and develop, opportunity to increase their market share and segment and chance to grow or rather expand their operations. To add to that, these businesses also face certain problems like increased competition from various businesses, data security issues and expenses in maintaining the e-commerce operations. however, it is a very effective way for businesses nowadays that want to connect, market, advertise, making sales, communicate to and with customers and conduct other operations easily and efficiently. References Abebe, M. (2014). Electronic commerce adoption, entrepreneurial orientation and small-and medium-sized enterprise (SME) performance.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,21(1), 100-116. Barnes, S., Hunt, B. (Eds.). (2013).E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Ferreira, T., Pedrosa, I., Bernardino, J. (2017, April). Business Intelligence for E-commerce: Survey and Research Directions. InWorld Conference on Information Systems and Technologies(pp. 215-225). Springer, Cham. Gill, P., Stewart, K., Treasure, E., Chadwick, B. (2008). Methods of data collection in qualitative research: interviews and focus groups.British dental journal,204(6), 291-295. Grossoehme, D. H. (2014). Overview of qualitative research.Journal of health care chaplaincy,20(3), 109-122. Hew, J. J., Lee, V. H., Ooi, K. B., Lin, B. (2016). Mobile social commerce: The booster for brand loyalty?.Computers in Human Behavior,59, 142-154. Hisrich, R. D., Ramadani, V. (2017). E-commerce Challenges and Entrepreneurial Manager. InEffective Entrepreneurial Management(pp. 159-178). Springer International Publishing. Hoare, Z., Hoe, J. (2013). Understanding quantitative research: Part 2.Nursing Standard,27(18), 48-55. Hoque, M. R., Boateng, R. (2017). Adoption of B2B e-Commerce in Developing. Laudon, K. C., Traver, C. G. (2013).E-commerce. Pearson. Nanehkaran, Y. A. (2013). An Introduction to electronic commerce.International Journal of Scientific Technology Research,2(4), 190-193. Savrul, M., Incekara, A., Sener, S. (2014). The potential of e-commerce for SMEs in a globalizing business environment.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,150, 35-45. Turban, E., Strauss, J., Lai, L. (2016). The Social Enterprise: From Recruiting to Problem Solving and Collaboration. InSocial Commerce(pp. 181-203). Springer International Publishing. Turban, E., Whiteside, J., King, D., Outland, J. (2017). Business-to-Business E-Commerce. InIntroduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce(pp. 101-135). Springer International Publishing. Turban, E., Whiteside, J., King, D., Outland, J. (2017). Overview of Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce. InIntroduction to Electronic Commerce and Social Commerce(pp. 3-33). Springer International Publishing. Wixom, B., Ariyachandra, T., Douglas, D. E., Goul, M., Gupta, B., Iyer, L. S., ...Turetken, O. (2014). The current state of business intelligence in academia: The arrival of big data.CAIS,34, 1.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Demons in Paradise Review Essay Example

The Demons in Paradise Review Paper Essay on The Demons in Paradise I was waiting for this book. I waited until it comes out, until then reach to me. Then I read it. Read quickly Lipskerova slowly read simply impossible. And then six months trying to formulate their impressions of the text into something more or less digestible. The trouble here is that the impression of the book is directly dependent on whether you read Lipskerova to it or not. If you have not read, then Demons in paradise you are likely to enjoy. Solid social realism with a slight touch of mystique, cheesy humor and strongest plot, best characterized by the word dashing. Fascinating weaves the life paths of the characters just do not give off the text, forcing to the last turn and turn the pages, sacrificing sleep and food. But if to Demon you read in Lipskerova something earlier, such as Autumn will never, then this book you do not like. Absolutely. In it everything that was good in lipskerovskoy prose, became noticeably worse. Socialist Realism and Sots too too realism fotografichen to the field, almost vulgar. Mystical realism not quite mystical and not convincing. One gets the impression that a single daemon, acting in a novel, write there out of habit, so the reader is not confused, whom he still reads. Humor as something very much below the belt. There remains only the plot. Here Dmitry Mikhailovich did not blunder, probably due to the dramatic training. But not a single story alive reader. We will write a custom essay sample on The Demons in Paradise Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Demons in Paradise Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Demons in Paradise Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As a result, the idea that the more diagonal billboard with a book, the lower the value of this book, Demons in Paradise categorically confirm. Im unlikely to read the next book Lipskerova and the Reading is not recommended. Try your best to something early.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What Its Like Being a Chemist

What It's Like Being a Chemist Have you ever wondered what its like being a chemist? Here, real chemists share their job experience, including the pros and cons of working in chemistry. I asked chemists to address the following questions  about the career so that someone thinking about becoming a chemist could make an informed decision. What type of chemist are you?What do you do as a chemist?What is the best/worst part of your job?What training did you need? Was it easy/difficult to find a job as a chemist?Are you happy being a chemist? Why?What advice would you give someone interested in chemist? Keep in mind, some respondents come from non-English-speaking countries. The poll was taken in 2014. Here are their answers: thinking about change major I am coming from top 5 Chinese university and I did internship at senior year. I am a synthesis intern. From what I learned, there are a lot of jobs in the market, many new pharm companies. But the problem is the payment is very low (3k RMB in Nanjing. too low to survive in the city, but the company is in the poor area of the city, living standards are low) and the working condition is really bad, and working hours are long. One group member left the company because of health reasons, the doc warned him. I applied to US school then. It is nice to study aboard with stipend, but it is not enough to live in the city. It seems like chem job in US is impossible, and I certainly dont wanna go back china to work in chem job. So I am thinking about changing majors to biostatistics, CS or business. really struggling now. - chineseStudent 2014 and the job market is still bad. So many of the chemistry jobs are low paid contract positions with no job security. Most chemistry majors are not working in a lab or even in science. They are managers, sales people, regulatory, etc. In many companies at some point you are deemed too old to be working in a lab and no one will hire you, and the branding of too old is now about 35 years old. Sometimes even younger. Or you have low paid new grads as lab techs to do all the actual lab work while you sit in meetings all day and work 60 hour weeks. And businesses are all about profit and market share, not actual RD or science. Its sad sad sad.... - Unemployed/Underemployed Found a Job I have graduated from a university with a Bsc in Chemistry in 2013. After four months, I was able to find a job although not a good pay but I still want to continue with chemistry related job because am working as a Petroleum Officer. I am looking forward to develop my career in chemistry as I aspire to be a Chemical Engineer. - Sulayman Camara Life ruined I studied hard for 8 years straight only to find that there are absolutely no jobs anywhere. Ive been applying for jobs as a chemist for the last 3 years and havent found anything, Im still in debt from school loans and wonder why I ever went into this field. I now work 2 jobs, one at burger king and another shoveling dog sh** at a kennel. I cry myself to sleep most nights. - My life is over Poor choice of career My suggestion to anyone want to get into this field is STAY AWAY from chemistry. I graduated with a MS in chemistry back in 2007 and worked in several chem and pharma companies. I can tell you that 90% of people I worked with, including me regretted going into this field and I have yet met a person likes working with chemicals. Chemistry is over-saturated and underpaid. As an analytical chemist you will get around 30k to 45k. if you have a PhD and dont mind risk you life to work with explosive chemical reactions then you can get 45K to 70K. The reality is that there are just too many candidates available in the job market and many of them are PhD. There are no job security in this field. Many big company already moved their RD and manufacturing facility to Asia and they rarely offer perm position to technical positions. Ive seen too many people ordered to leave the company without a minute notice because they are on contract. - Peter L Tough but worked out so far I recently received my Ph.D. in organic chemistry (top 35 school). I had to work very hard for a long time including a 1 year industrial post doc. Now I work at the same company as a process chemist synthesizing active pharmaceutical ingredients. The pay is 80,000 and I love my job. It was very hard to find a job after my Ph.D. and I sent resumes all over the country. I love my job now and have even received calls from recruiters for other job opportunities. I think the job market is competitive and the supply is greater than the demand at the BS/MS level. I had a low paying temp job with my BS in chemistry before I decided to go to grad school. I think if your going to work as a chemist get your Ph.D. The work is more interesting and the pay is better. Also there are so many BS/MS chemists one of the best ways to beat the competition is to get your PhD. BS/MS chemists use to have more opportunity for advancement but now the job market seems saturated with them. - Organic chemist Graduate in 2004 I love chemistry. Its really fun and challenging, but only in terms of theories...working in lab sucks! long hours sometimes until midnight depends on experiment...underpaid...but thats not the main concern...I realize my health deteriorate significantly...lab work makes me dizzy. - K No jobs As a synthetic organic chemist with a PhD, 4 patents and a bunch of papers, 15 years of research, I am now a self-employed cleaner in Melbourne, Australia. If I had completed pharmacy, instead of doing my PhD, and wasting my time in medicinal chemistry I would be having a job now with at least some chemistry. - Ada Just got laid off, again! I got a job working in a chemistry lab, entry level Research Associate, early this year. Just got a pink slip and was told my last day is May 28th. I graduated in 2008 and I have gone through a series of odd jobs, low paying gigs, just to get by. Chemistry is the worst degree you can get, so much time and effort spent in class for nothing. If I knew I was gonna be jobless pursuing science, I would have taken a lighter route and studied business instead. All these undergraduate students running around blogging about the marvelous potential of chemistry career, parroting corporate propaganda is very annoying. I hope younger chemists can learn from older chemists mistakes and take a different approach to choosing careers. - Jobless Chemist If you havent finished, you dont know. Anyone who is still an undergrad is not qualified to speak on the state of the industry. You dont know what its like, so stop acting like you do. We all liked chemistry in our undergrad years, but the reality of chemistry very different. You all think its fun and challenging when your experiments arent working because youre learning. If someone is paying for your research and youre under pressure to perform, its not fun to fail. You spend most of your time writing grants, reading papers and getting walked over. When youre not doing that, youre dealing with idealistic students telling you Chemistry is for smart intelligent people there are no limits to what you can do! Education, skill, and ambition. Use it. You dont know, so shut up. I cant wait until you get into the real world and are back head posting the same stuff as everyone else. - Be quiet students chemistry is leaving the states I graduated with a BS in chemistry with a 3.89 gpa in 2010. I struggled to find a job. Everyone said I didnt have enough experience. I only had one interview and I got lucky they offered it to me as I was leaving the interview. I made 51K last year. My company just bought a lab overseas in India. They are opening a lab that does the exact same thing that we do but the cost will be a 1/3 of ours. I applied to a MBA program in the fall. Even though I love science and chemistry I just dont think there is a future in the USA for it. - wvchemist Its not a place for a career I am a recent graduate with an undergraduate degree in chemistry. Unlike most I was fortunate that during my summers I worked in a commercial analytical laboratory. It was miserable, no one seemed to enjoy themselves and many were looking for other avenues of employment. I personally struggled with it myself. It had approximately 20 employees 10 of whom Im still great friends with of those ten five remained and five returned to school for something unrelated or medical professions. I myself saw the job prospects early and balked, after discussing with my family I decided to go back and do my MBA I start in about a month and a half and my job prospects look infinitesimally larger, Ive already had a family friend offer me a well paid position upon graduation. To all those suggesting its easy to find a job its not. Chemistry is merely a stepping stone and Id never advocate doing a Chemistry degree and stopping there. Many of my friends who are also graduating are following my route. - Donewithchem Still cant find a job I am a fairly recent graduate (2010) with a BSc in Chemistry. I cannot get a job in Chemistry to save my life, despite having been trying continually for the last two years. I do have a job as a Radiological Controls Technician at a Naval shipyard, which pays decently and is a stable job, but I would much rather be working as a chemist. I love science and dont care about money, and chemistry is a great field. It breaks my heart to read all these posts from people working as lab techs whining about low pay and poor job security. I would do anything to be in their shoes! Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say advice-wise is this: dont go into chemistry if youre out to make money, because there isnt any to be made. - Aspiring Chemist Working as a Research Chemist I finished a PhD recently, and am now in a post-doctoral position. Furthermore, I am in Australia, and I notice that in this place we tend to get paid substantially more as Postdocs than in many other countries, such as the US. I have thoroughly enjoyed the whole research process, and the process of putting together journal articles for publication. I can understand that for those in industrial settings, the job market can be particularly volatile. The situation in academia is not much better if you are not able to come up with novel research and dedicate the time necessary to put out high-impact articles. However, personally, I enjoy the intellectual stimulation and I will try to do as much as I can for as long as I can. - OxathiazoleChemist MD BS BIOCHEMISTRY 1968, NO JOB OFFERS SO WENT TO GRAD SCHOOL, THEN NO JOB SO WENT TO MED SCHOOL...MANY PHYSICIANS WERE CHEMISTS, OR BIOCHEMISTS , NO JOBS SO MEDICINE IS A GOOD ENDPOINT FOR A CHEMIST....TRY TO ALSO GET PRE MED COURSES DONE AS PREREQUIRED. MY DAD WAS ALSO A CHEMIST BS BERKELEY, ENDED UP WORKING FOR THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN WATER POLLUTION REGULATION... SO CHEMISTRY IS JUST THE FIRST STEP, YOUR FINAL CAREER IS SOMEWHAT DIFFERENT, BUT THE CHEMISTRY BACKGROUND PERMITS YOUR ABILITY TO ENTER ANOTHER FIELD. BEST OF LUCK, ROBIN TRUMBULL,MD - DRTRUMBULL Other Options I have a BSc honours in physical chemistry. After struggling to get a job in the field, I eventually found a job writing and developing high school science resources. I am loving my job and get paid well. Yes, the job market sucks and it is a harsh environment but if you love it, stick with it. So my advice would be to consider other things that use your knowledge. And I would strongly urge all prospective chemists to learn about technology and learn to program or major in both computer science and chemistry. That really widens your field of possible jobs. Chemistry is not dead, we just need to get with the program and adapt to the brave new world of technology. There is so much more we can still do with this incredible and fascinating field but we need to accept that technology is part of it now. - Heather Forget about It! Just another voice to add to the choir from a mid-career PhD. If you are interested in chemistry and it is your passion, by all means pursue it as a hobby. But dont expect to make a career out of it, gain respect, and/or provide adequately and steadily for a family. - Forget about it! chemistry sucks I have a Bsc in Chemistry and still can not find a decent job, if I had known better I would never have majored in chemistry. - annoyed chemist Senior Chemist Quality and Quality assurance chemist last 20 years. I am working in petrochemical companies as a technical consult as well as QC QA and R D departments in sophisticated laboratory. - Mohammed Iqbal Job Market is Terrible I graduated last year with a BS in Chemistry with a 3.8 GPA, and so far for a year straight Ive been looking for a decent paying job that pays more than my current job. So far its a no go....beginning to get frustrated, and may just go back and get my PhD in Chemical Engineering. With student loan companies wanting their money, and no jobs to be found, thats about my only choice. - Aphyd Dont bother at all. Chemistry is dead I am a chemist, I have a B.S. and an M.S. with thesis from one of the top schools in this country (consistently ranked #1 for its masters program). I have worked at a multinational and I can tell you that chemistry is dead. If you are in school, study engineering or computer science. Do not waste your time. People do not appreciate chemistry. The value is on engineering or computer programming. The era of materials and chemistry-driven research on a scale to support newly graduates or mid-career individuals is over. I have been laid off two to three times and thats with awards, patents, publications, etc. from these companies. The bottom line is that its all about applied science (engineering) or computers (programming). I have over 5 years of experience and I would tell you not do it. Its wasteful. - wish I knew better Not a good career at all. Well as of 2012 I can say that I have actually been offered jobs, however they paid around 35-40k a year. On the other hand my part-time job that I had as an undergraduate is paying me now as full time 50-65k at a manufacturing plant (last year I made 50k and only worked 9 months). I have been looking for a job that will pay 50k and have steady day hours, so far its a fail. I dont know if I will ever find such job. When I talk to my undergraduate friends who are working in chem it is clear that I am doing much better than they are. Dont go into chemistry, from what I hear grad school is a waste of time for most people too. - 2010 Graduate working as a chemist Hi, Chemistry is a very interesting subject to study. All branches of Chemistry are more or less related to one another, so the more you know, the better you understand. As for jobs, it all depends on what one likes best. Personally, I was lucky to work in the marketing of Chemicals to industry. Here the sky is the limit because Chemicals find use in so many industries. See how many Chemicals are used in the paint industry as an example. Blending scientific background with modern management practices is a formula for success. - a.haddad Student vs Working Perspective Ill remind the student that there is a big difference between sitting in a classroom, being amazed by the possibilities of chemistry and actually attempting to make a living from it. The negativity comes from those who ARE in the field APPLYING chemistry. Notice the title of this thread Working as a Chemist? We all loved our undergrad years, but the simple fact is that the industrial chemistry profession in the U.S. actually decreased by 2% according to the ACS. When you get a job, work for years, survive waves of layoffs and the get told youre overqualified for much of anything out there, come back to the thread and let us know how you coped with it all. Most of us were as optimistic about this profession as any undergrad. Then we graduated into reality. - WorkingChemist Chemistry I graduated with my BS chemistry in 2007 started out as production chemist around $50,000. I chose to go back and get my MS Chemistry while working (employer payed most of it) and in 2011 I graduated and took a new job as a process chemist at $85,000. I love my job, it is fast paced and steady. I have seen very little turn around in chemists, but lab techs come and go pretty quick. Overall I would definitely recommend it as a profession. Only big downside is there are not many women chemists on the industrial side, and at any plant/ refinery safety is always a slight compromise. - MS Chemist very happy to say i am a chemist Really i am very happy to say I am a chemist, i have faced so many problems to stand as a chemist in a field of chemical. I think that chemistry is evergreen. - swathi Chemistry was a waste of money for me I wanted to post here just so that people can read, understand, and hopefully not make the same mistakes I did. I graduated with a BS degree in 2005 and even STILL am battling constant layoffs and unemployment. Its really a horrible economy out there for us Chemists. I decided against Graduate school because I just didnt have the passion for it. I worked low paying job after job and gained a lot of industry experience. At the beginning I thought that I would just work my way up, but after about 7 years Im unemployed yet again after being laid off. At every job Im always thought of highly, wow youre the best temp weve ever had It doesnt matter I still get laid off and not hired. Whatever you do do not major in chemistry, and if you are considering graduate school unless you can get into one of the best, say f*** it. I repeat its a sh*tty career and job. - ChemDude contractor Would you please add another loser chemist here? With PhD in polymer chemistry as well as 2 years of postdoc. What I can do is short contract as a technician. BTW, I have no way to renew my membership of chemistry. - yoho chemistry and good jobs? It was a great punishment that God gave to me_BSc Chemistry. chemistry! chemistry!! - oli Has worked out for me I have a BS in chemistry and started my first job as a process chemist in 2005 making $42,000/yr. From 2007-2010 I did QC work for the same company. I took a job with a different company in 2011 and have been doing primarily ingredient preparation. For me, this consists of formulation, production of different blends, syntheses, and some minor mechanical maintenance. Counting bonuses, I grossed over $70,000 in 2011. I have worked under PhD chemists who make 6 figures a year. My short term objective at this point is to obtain my MS in chemistry. I have applied for Fall 2012 semester and will find out my acceptance status in May 2012. Obviously, due to the job market, employment will be tight but that is true for most job types. Some people will find success and others will not. This should go without saying. - Chemist81 Dead end career I have 15 years of synthetic chemistry experience, including process development and medicinal chemistry, I am published and have numerous patents. Our chemistry department was cut and outsourced. I now work as an analytical chemist, treated like a slave for 2/3 of what I used to make, in a job that is not intellectually stimulating in any way. I was lucky to get a job of any sort, synthetic jobs are impossible to find unless you want to move to India or China. My former coworkers have struggled to get interviews and are still unemployed. I agree with the poster that stated chemistry is dead in the USA. - formersyntheticchemist Chemistry is powerless Chemists are indeed smart but businesses treat them like very smart fools. The person just saying chemists can get a job anywhere clearly has no idea how the job market works. The only way a chemist can switch careers is to go back to school which is financially difficult or hide their degree and take a blue collar job. I took the police exam because at this point that would be a huge improvement. Many chemists like myself are trapped and unable to escape the never ending abuse and exploitation by companies who treat them worse than unskilled labor. - MSChemist *There was not space here for all the responses submitted by chemists, but I have posted additional replies on my personal blog, so you may read them all  and post your own opinion.

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 nursing career specialties to pursue in 2019

5 nursing career specialties to pursue in 2019 Healthcare is one of the fastest-growing fields right now- and nursing is at the heart of this growth. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nursing profession is expected to grow by at least 19% by 2026, much faster than average for all jobs. If you’re thinking about a career in nursing, here are five fast-growing specialties to consider.Nurse PractitionerNurse practitioners (also known as advanced practice registered nurses, or APRNs) are an MVP when it comes to family or general medical practices. They provide standard nursing care (recording patient histories, examining patients, performing diagnostic tests, administer medicine or treatments), while also being able to perform tasks usually done by physicians, like prescribing medicine, ordering tests, and diagnosing illnesses.What you’ll need: A master’s degree in nursing, plus passing a national certification exam and becoming licensed. Each state’s licensing requirements may vary, so be sure to check your own state’s requirements.What it pays: The median salary for nurse practitioners is $110,930 per year, or $53.33 per hour.The outlook: The number of nurse practitioner jobs is expected to grow by an incredible 31% by 2026.Neonatal NurseNeonatal nurses care for premature babies, usually in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) in a hospital. Because of the critical health problems experienced by many newborns, neonatal nurses provide essential, extensive care.What you’ll need: A bachelor’s degree in nursing, plus specialized training. You’ll need to be licensed as well. Each state’s licensing requirements may vary, so be sure to check your own state’s requirements.What it pays: The median salary for neonatal nurses is $65,000 per year, or $31.25 per hour.The outlook: The number of neonatal nurse jobs is expected to grow at least 17% by 2026.Nurse MidwifeNurse midwives are advanced practice nurses who care for expectant m others and their newborns. A nurse midwife coordinates care during pregnancy and assists during childbirth and after the delivery for both the mother and baby.What you’ll need: A bachelor’s degree in nursing, plus specialized training. You’ll need to be licensed as well. Each state’s licensing requirements may vary, so be sure to check your own state’s requirements.What it pays: The median salary for nurse midwives is $100,590 per year, or $48.36 per hour.The outlook: The number of nurse midwife jobs is expected to grow at least 31% by 2026.Nurse AnesthetistOne of the fastest-growing and highest-paying nursing specialties is the nurse anesthetist. Nurse anesthetists provide anesthesia to surgical patients, working with physicians, surgeons, and other operating room staff. In addition to anesthesia, nurse anesthetists may help coordinate pre-and post-surgical care for patients as well.What you’ll need: A bachelor’s degree in nursing, p lus a master’s degree and/or specialized training in nurse anesthesia. You’ll need to be licensed as well. Each state’s licensing requirements may vary, so be sure to check your own state’s requirements.What it pays: The median salary for nurse anesthetists is $160,270 per year, or $77.05 per hour.The outlook: The number of  nurse anesthetist jobs is expected to grow at least 22% by 2026.Nurse EducatorOne of the most valuable roles in the nursing community is teaching the next waves of nurses. This crucial role combines medical and clinical skills with teaching skills, and can be a good fit for nurses who have strong communication and leadership skills. Nurse educators may teach and train nurses at all levels, from specialized nursing training programs to bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate nursing programs. The constant demand for high-quality nurses means that there is high demand for nursing teachers as well.What you’ll need: A ba chelor’s degree in nursing, and potentially a master’s degree or PhD, depending on what you’ll be teaching. You may also need specific clinical experience, depending on the program.What it pays: The median salary for nurse educators is $71,260 per year.The outlook: The number of nurse educator jobs is expected to grow at least 19% by 2026.Whichever nursing path you choose, know that it’s a rewarding, challenging field with many opportunities open to explore your specific passion and talent.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Lord Binghams Dicta on the Principle of Legality Case Study

Lord Binghams Dicta on the Principle of Legality - Case Study Example It applied to persons who ‘cannot be deported because there is no ‘safe’ country to which they can be sent’. The detainees were able to challenge their detention under s25 and s30 ATCSA. S25 allowed an appeal to the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) against the Home Secretary’s decision and Section 30 ATCSA allowed the SIAC to hear appeals against the validity of the UK’s derogation from Article 5 ECHR .Lord Bingham’s Dicta on the Principle of Legality.The House of Lords had to decide whether the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) could rely on evidence obtained under torture by a foreign power - without UK complicity - during an appeal hearing. Evidence had been obtained from third parties by agents of the United States using methods known as ‘interrogation by extraordinary rendition’ . The SIAC and the Court of Appeal (CA) held that the evidence was admissible . The CA majority decision was based on Rule 44(3) of the SIAC procedural code which allows the SIAC to review evidence which would not be admissible in a court of law . Laws LJ expressly excluded evidence obtained with the complicity of the Home Secretary or any English authority regardless of the contingency The appellants argued that:ï‚ ¾ The common law position is firmly against torture which is enshrined in s76 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Sociolinguistic case study on the linguistic rights of Serbs in Essay

Sociolinguistic case study on the linguistic rights of Serbs in Croatia - Essay Example It is the ability to speak in more than one language and to fully understand the communication patterns. Such occurrences have been enhanced by different factors such as; love for literature, geographical diversity and historical causes. Also, politics and psychological factors like seeking identity have contributed to linguistic diversity (International journal of the sociology of language 1974, 12). The homogeneity caused by languages influences genocide of other communities. This is the systematic destruction of a particular group of individuals based on their opinions or differences in either their religion race, or language. The study is to review the situation of the ethnic minorities by exploring the history of the area, the developments of languages and the current issues facing minorities in Croatia. Croatian, Hungarian and Serbian are the commonly used languages by the people of Croatia (Hogan and Wolff 2003, 122). Serbian and Croatian were sufficiently similar to be identi fied as Serbo-Croatian. However, during the war outbreak in 1991, Croatian was identified as the main language. In the census conducted in 2001 the minority groups were Serbs, Bosniaks, Italians, Hungarians, Albanians, Roma, Slovenes and Czechs just to name a few whose percentage ranged between 0.2 and 4.5 percent. Historically, the communities gathered in the same region through migration and there was a continuous ethnic tension among the Serbian and Croatian groups mostly being political. (Varennes 1996, 78).

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Goin’ Cholita Essay Essay Example for Free

Goin’ Cholita Essay Essay Goin’ Gangsta, Choosin’ Cholita, by Nell Bernstein, is claiming identity and describing how the youth in certain parts of the country are choosing their preferred identity rather than accepting their own. For example, in Bernsteins essay a girl named April, living in California, wants to be Mexican; therefore, she dresses like and attempts to talk in the same accent as a true Mexican, even though she is Anglo. I agree with Bernstein that people are influenced by what they see and hear. April portrays a perfect â€Å"cholita,† with her â€Å"dark lipstick,† â€Å"even darker lip liner,† and â€Å"baggy pants, blue plaid Pendleton and her bangs pulled back tight off her forehead. † I also believe, like Bernstein, that people claim only part of their ethnicity to fit in. Even though April looks and acts like a Cholita she is of â€Å"Anglo† descent. The essay also specifically talks about the state of California, where all this identity changing is happening due to the great diversity of race here. Bernstein claims that this is a positive situation when youths choose an identity other than their own identity. Whatever makes them feel better or boosts their self-esteem is okay, I guess? However, they still have to face the facts; they cannot change their identity. I do not know what dictionary Bernstein is reading, but the definition of identity does not include the word appearance. Identity is who a person is, not who they appear to be. Nell Bernstein does a very good job in describing the â€Å"glamour,† associated with race. It seems, there is always a particular culture that many people want to be associated with and hang around. In the case of Goin’ Gangsta, Choosin’ Cholita Bernstein talks about how teens choose and define their identity, what â€Å"claiming,† an ethnic identity is, and what the concept of â€Å"city† is according to these teens. Bernstein explains that as time goes by the suburbs are becoming more diverse, and people in the suburbs have become infatuated with the â€Å"city life†. The glamour of this may be media-generated. We come from a society that pushed for the concept of â€Å"white is right,† for such a long time that now there are backlashes from other cultures, races, and minorities. Many great strives have been made by various ethnic groups. Accomplished actors and actresses of these ethnic cultures make most often these strive for all to see because of the glamour and prestige that they hold in Hollywood. Actresses such as Jennifer Lopez, and Halle Berry are most often credited with moving ahead both women, and those of Latino and African descent. Men such as Denzel Washington and John Leguizamo are very well respected actors in the field as well. With the success of these role models, as well as the acceptance of diversity has become many â€Å"Caucasian† students are now being rejected. Many of the relatives and ancestors had to fight very hard for their rights and this may be why many younger generations want to be like them because they can identify with them and also because of how â€Å"glamorous† their lives seemed, and because of portrayal in the media. They â€Å"claim† these cultures to be accepted and more respected. Actually many generations of these cultures do press the importance of filial piety (respect for their elders), deep within their cultures as opposed to those of Caucasian families who viewed by other cultures, do not know â€Å"their† place. Because of the emphasis on heritage of the quickly populating cultures in their areas, many feel they do not belong. Because of this nuclear family as opposed to multi-generational, many cultures could clash. Glamorous is a life where everyone else belongs because of how he or she looks or what ancestor they have which entitles them to prestige, finally because of the long awaited freedom and hardships that they had to endure to get there. Embrace your family; you are one of us if you are in any group of people. Look at movies like The Godfather. Italian-Americans involved with the Mafia worked hard for family to be able to provide for them, but were also caught up in some bad stuff. Italians/ Italian-Americans who ran around shooting on behalf of who they were, as well as against those of the same culture that was at odds with them. It seemed like a very glamorous life even though those involved would say that it was far from it. Many cultures today or those who want to be involved in these cultures, adorn themselves with stereotypes and simply to be accepted, as Bernstein states, â€Å"they are very young but may not understand the full comprehension of all that was involved, it may be the influence of being tough, bad, and able to bounce back with a greater force that these teens look for. † They are at a very young age and are still growing. The ability to take on these preset identities (stereotypes) may feel that it helps them find out who they are because adolescence is a very unsure time. The ability to fit-in such as school, friends, and communities also play a very critical role in the development of an adolescent. Many kids who are raised in the suburbs now a days feel as if they have to choose a â€Å"crew† to hang around. Even the white kids do not feel safe in their own streets unless they are hanging with the bad crew. Kids feel the need to choose what group they belong to based on the way they dress, what music they listen to, and whom they see as a role model figure. Kids should not be forced at such a young age to claim something they are not. Children should be proud of the race they originally are. With the growing amount of races becoming more diverse in not only in the suburbs but around the world, it is important for parents to enforce the values of nationality. The author made it very important to write this article in order to show people the truth behind color. Although it may be easier for a child to join a group and feel accepted, they should also know that they would not truly be accepted until they accept themselves. Cultures are becoming more and more diverse. Although culture is constantly changing, people should not change their personal values in order to feel accepted. In conclusion, I feel the media does play a role in stereotyping these cultures and making them seem more glamorous, but the actual families of those from the actual cultures (Latino, African, etc. ) stress the importance of filial piety. This respect for ancestors joined with expectations and role models in the media can make this seem more glamorous. Adolescents that are trying to find out who they are in a very critical time in their lives often fall back onto this because identity already seems â€Å"preset,† and is easier to follow that finding out one for their self. Many Caucasian teens are being ridiculed because of what they are and history, so they often desperately pull from what they know to be able to fit in better and not be ridiculed as much, but more accepted. With cultures melting together today and many marriages creating children of various backgrounds, it can be very confusing for children of these higher populated states to find out who they are. The glamorous look may come from the comradely that these cultures have for members within. It may be looked at as glamorous because of the popularity of its members or even how it is shown in the media, but it is most glamorous for those who are not of the decent because they finally have a place to belong among those who accept them because of it.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Deal :: Personal Narrative Writing

The Deal We had a deal, Ada and me. We decided that, since neither of us expected to live forever or get out of this existence alive, which ever one didn't die first would spend the funeral of the one who made it out first telling bad jokes. This wasn't going to win either of us any friends among the family or gathered mourners but we didn't care. In our rather humble opinions people took death far, far too seriously anyway. As I told Ada many times, â€Å"having been dead once, the whole experience is highly overrated.† And she agreed, having been dead once before herself. There were no bright lights, no family waiting, nothing to make the entire experience one worth revisiting, but as death was as inevitable as taxes, we both realized that the next time would probably be the time we got our exit visas from this cycle of reality stamped, and soundly. Now, I feel I need to explain a couple of things before we go much further. Ada is, rather was, my grandmother. A â€Å"southern lady† of the old school, she could achieve more with a raised eyebrow than a raised voice. No one in the family wanted to see that look of disappointment on her lovely little face so we all strove to make life as easy on her as possible. Her husband, my late grandfather, had been saddled by his parents with the name William Homer. He had once been a star athlete in high school and had won awards in every single sport offered in their little hometown. Baseball, football, basketball, you name it, he played it, he mastered it, he made it his own. And it didn't get any better when he became an adult. Just more intense. Homer had boxes of trophies in closets all over their house, racks of them displayed prominently by the most current achievements and their position of honor was ranked by the difficulty of the task. Any flat surface that would hold some shiny bit of bric-a-brac that had his name on it and some amazing feet of athletic achievement he had conquered was coated in a heavy furniture wax and summarily crowded in with the little men holding golf clubs, bowling balls, olive laurels or just simply their own hands over their heads. The Deal :: Personal Narrative Writing The Deal We had a deal, Ada and me. We decided that, since neither of us expected to live forever or get out of this existence alive, which ever one didn't die first would spend the funeral of the one who made it out first telling bad jokes. This wasn't going to win either of us any friends among the family or gathered mourners but we didn't care. In our rather humble opinions people took death far, far too seriously anyway. As I told Ada many times, â€Å"having been dead once, the whole experience is highly overrated.† And she agreed, having been dead once before herself. There were no bright lights, no family waiting, nothing to make the entire experience one worth revisiting, but as death was as inevitable as taxes, we both realized that the next time would probably be the time we got our exit visas from this cycle of reality stamped, and soundly. Now, I feel I need to explain a couple of things before we go much further. Ada is, rather was, my grandmother. A â€Å"southern lady† of the old school, she could achieve more with a raised eyebrow than a raised voice. No one in the family wanted to see that look of disappointment on her lovely little face so we all strove to make life as easy on her as possible. Her husband, my late grandfather, had been saddled by his parents with the name William Homer. He had once been a star athlete in high school and had won awards in every single sport offered in their little hometown. Baseball, football, basketball, you name it, he played it, he mastered it, he made it his own. And it didn't get any better when he became an adult. Just more intense. Homer had boxes of trophies in closets all over their house, racks of them displayed prominently by the most current achievements and their position of honor was ranked by the difficulty of the task. Any flat surface that would hold some shiny bit of bric-a-brac that had his name on it and some amazing feet of athletic achievement he had conquered was coated in a heavy furniture wax and summarily crowded in with the little men holding golf clubs, bowling balls, olive laurels or just simply their own hands over their heads.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Personality Psychology and People

Monique Contero INFJ Tu. Th. 8 pm 10/23/2012 I learned that I am â€Å"The Protector† my primary focus of living is internal; I take things in through intuition. I also learned that my secondary mode is external; I deal with things according to how I feel about them and how they fit with my beliefs. I am a gentle, caring, complex person who is very intuitive. I am also artistic and creative. I put great importance on keeping things orderly and systemic. I put most of my energy into finding the best system in getting things done. I am usually right and I usually know I am but sometimes I don’t know why.I put a lot of faith and trust into my instincts and intuitions because most of the time I can sense things most people can’t see or feel. I get strong feelings and I can understand people. When someone is going through something I can usually feel it inside myself. I am a deep and complex individual but I am usually quiet and very observant. Most people don’ t understand me and I don’t open up much to people I don’t know. I hold a special place in most people’s heart to the people whom I am close to because I have a big heart and compassion for them.I usually care more about people’s feelings then I care about my own. I don’t like conflict and when conflict arises I am sensitive towards it. I get irritated or angry when there’s conflict and I don’t know how to tolerate it and I get stressed out over it. I am a stubborn and I don’t like listening to other people’s opinions. I am also a perfectionist. I am never at peace with myself because I know I can do better. I believe that change happens with us before it can happen in the world. I am easygoing though.I am devoted, patient, protective around people I care about who get hurt by others, and I am a natural nurturer. In the workplace I am always coming up with creative ideas and I like working alone. The field I am best in i s fields that are self orientated and allow me to use my creativity and instincts to help the world. I am the type of person that belongs in social work or working in law because I am a natural protector and I believe in growth. I can use my personality traits to help people to come up with new ideas to help the company expand.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life Plan

In this essay I am suppose to explain what the plans for my life are, how I plan on achieving them and the problems I might face. If you have a goal it gives you a clear focus on things. It also helps you to organize your plans by letting you set time limits and boundaries. I think if you plan on achieving things in life then you have to set goals. After high school there are many things I want to do and accomplish in my life. My goals probably aren’t different from most kids, but it will take a lot of hard work to get where I want to be. I have many goals, but to accomplish these goals I will probably have many things that could get in the way. The reason I need to set goals is to make sure that I don’t fall behind in life and not achieve my dreams. Last summer I was into some bad things that really messed up my life. Luckily, I was assigned to Youth Court to help me through this. Youth Court is helping teach me the importance of goals because of the way it is set up. I have a 6 month sentence. During this time I have to complete certain goals. Writing this life plan is one goal, an apology letter due the 1st month, a shoplifting class the 2nd month, and a jail tour another month. I have jury duty the first Thursday of every month, I have to phone in weekly, I have to attend school regularly, stay out of trouble, obey my parents, obey 10:00 pm curfew, and complete 40 hours of community service by the end of the 6 month period. If all of this is not complete then I will not reach my goal of having my offense taken off my records. The way Youth Court is set up is to do a little each month until you can complete your goal. If I do the required stuff every month then by the time the 6 months is over I will have completed everything I needed to do in order in graduate from Youth Court and have my offense taken off my record. Even though I haven’t finished setting my goals, I already have some. Two of the most important are to be happy and successful, even if I haven’t started out so well. One goal I have is to get my drivers license, I have already finished my classroom training. I have just taken my written test and I now I my permit. I will have my permit for 6 months before I can get my license. I still need to complete my drivers training class which I am already signed up for. This is an important goal for me because I will need a license to drive. This leads to a goal I am trying to achieve and that is finding a job. I am starting to look for an after school/weekend job to save money to buy a car and for gas money. Another goal I have is to graduate from high school in 2 ? years. I have problems in school because I have learning disabilities, including ADHD. I am also in Special Education classes. I need to work hard every day so I can keep my grades up. I think the most important value that will make me successful is determination. In order to be successful in my life I have to stick with it. While you can be happy achieving something it can take a lot of effort. There can be many mistakes and setbacks, I already know about some of those. Another goal I have is to become an x-ray technician.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Paper 1.0

Paper 1.0 Paper 1.0 WHO The Romanticism Era was an artistic revolution that had an abundance of participants. Now out of all this eras partakers there were a few that stood out amongst them all. Artist such as Washington Irving, William Cullen Bryant, Emily Dickinson, The Fireside Poets, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and the infamous American poet Edgar Allen Poe. Irving was the only author amongst the bunch and wrote a collection of pieces which eventually led to the creation of THE SKETCH BOOK, which had included other popular titles such as RIP VAN WINKLE and THE LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW. Now Irving was in fact a best selling author but never was able to develop his talents but he did fight for his fellow writers to keep their works safe from copyright issues. William Bryant was a poet alike the rest of the men named before, and his interest grew at quite a young age. Later on in his lifetime Bryant grew an interest in law which lead him to his need to alert the English-speaking world that your voice could be heard through American poetry. Next amongst the poets came Henry Longfellow, his most famous works include PAUL REVERE'S RIDE, THE SONG OF HIAWATHA, and EVANGELINE. Longfellow was known for his lyrical touch upon his poetry and his audience couldn't get enough of the musical was of telling stories and legends. Ralph Emerson was philosopher and a poet and it was showcased in his poetry. Emerson was a companion with the transcendentalism movement and had many poems centered around nature and humanity. His most famous piece published was in fact named NATURE, and it spoke on the inspiration that is gave humanity and how it fulfills everything they need. Emily Dickinson was a writer of sorts who enjoyed exploring the mind and it's dark side, and even dramatized death and the after-death experience. Her writing had a special touch like her peers, her writing was down to the point and never had uneeded words. Her lean and direct sense of writing drew in many and left them wondering and in debate after every

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Steps to Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence at Work

5 Steps to Increasing Your Emotional Intelligence at Work Emotional intelligence at work won’t just help you be a better coworker and employee. It is instrumental if you want to become a leader, or a mover and shaker within your field. Figuring out what other people may be thinking, wanting, feeling, and needing, and being sensitive and adaptable to those things will also, of course, make you a better person. Developing these skills would be a win-win personally and professionally, and may just be the secret weapon you need to distinguish yourself and achieve that extra level of success.Here are 5Â  strategies that you can use to start honing (and eventually mastering) your emotional intelligence at work. Start early and see how your career can change.1. Self-AssessIt’s not just about knowing who you are, or what you like, or even what your wants and needs are. It’s not even merely being honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses. It’s about understanding these things and having the confidence to w ork from within them, with an aim of accepting your current state, but constantly striving to improve. If you master this, and know exactly where and who you are- in work and in life- you’ll be much better equipped to get where you need to go.2. Self-regulateDevelop your inner Zen master. Keeping your cool in a crisis will help distinguish you for leadership. And being disciplined enough to control your emotions and disruptive or destructive tendencies might eventually reroute them entirely. Cultivate calm and positivity. Worst case scenario, you’ll stress much less. Best case, you’ll become the office guru, then Queen of the Universe.3. Practice empathyYou may think your manager or your co-worker is a total jerk, maybe even an incompetent one. But before you write them off, try to imagine being in their shoes. Are there complicating factors in their lives that you may or may not know about that might be affecting their work or behavior? If you can try and imagi ne how others might be feeling, you’ll be better able to feel for them- and able to exercise compassion. The selfish upside here is that you’ll get much better at understanding what motivates people, and able to maneuver yourself and your team accordingly.4. Relate to peopleReal connections are hard to come by. Cultivate them. Don’t just treat people like stepping stones and distractedly try to maintain your relationships. Work at it. It’s much easier to do if you work on #3 and actually listen to and care about people. And it’s crucial for developing #5.5. CommunicateYou’ve heard a million times that effective communication is the biggest key to leadership and real success. That’s probably because it’s true. Cultivating all of the above skills will help you to avoid misunderstandings, miscommunications, bruised feelings, and mixed signals. It will make your team stronger, and it will make you better- at your job and at your li fe. You’ll have a much easier time developing your sense of purpose and working on your own and with your team to achieve that purpose.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ethical Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ethical Theories - Essay Example This philosophy formed a basis for Liberalism and Libertarianism. The opponents say that it’s impossible to determine true parameters for measuring and comparing human happiness among people. While the pleasure of the sadist is viewed as having equal value to the pleasure of the altruist, the suffering of others would offset any derived pleasure for the sadist; it’s superficial, temporary. It takes awhile to evaluate the pros and cons of an action so that while we can’t know the total picture immediately, enough of the consequences of an action are usually known so as to avoid the most pain for most people. This approach only views the end results of actions as opposed to the original intentions. Kantianism was developed by Immanuel Kant in the 1700s. He is considered one of the forefathers of philosophy of the mind and epistemology. His predecessors, Gottfried Leibniz and Christian Wolf, along with Rene Descartes were attempting to find a rational way to approac h beliefs about God without all the emotionalism of religion. He asserts that people act on their beliefs which are deeply held underlying principles; human beings are basically rational and the world is full of uncontrollable events, therefore rationality is the ultimate good. Rational beliefs should be universalized. It is the original intention of an action that determines its value, as acts themselves should be performed for their inherent value, not for the consequences they produce. His work is divided into four categories: 1) pure theoretical reason, 2) practical reason and ethics, 3) aesthetics and teology, and 4) rational religion. The problem with Kantianism is that there is no single rule that is applicable in every situation to characterize an action; it doesn’t have a way to resolve conflicts between rules. There is no room for aberrancy with regards to moral laws. It didn’t take into consideration the feelings of the human, only the rational thought proce sses. Social Contract Theory has been around since Socrates, although Thomas Hobbs is considered the modern founder in the middle 1600s. His proponents, John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, later expounded on his theory to formulate much broader politically applicable social theories. In essence, it is the belief that individuals in their natural state come together to form a mutually consensual agreement where they agree to limit themselves and their behavior to that which is beneficial to the governance of all. We are self-interested beings, which in our natural state of being, are governed only by our own sense of personal power and conscience. It formed a theory of why we need government in order to remain civilized, the people give up some rights in order to benefit from a greater social order. Opponents assert that while it outlines our rights and obligations as people in the whole community of mankind, it doesn’t allow for explaining the full human experience in terms of psychology and motivation. It depends on the greater consensus of the group to determine how the whole group will be treated without respect for individuality or human considerations. If the majority of the group is consensual with a particular limit of some sort, then the whole society is bound by that same limit. It violates contractual theory in that contracts require all interested parties to agree to the contract, not just the majority. Divine Command Theory has been a