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Current Business Intelligence In Academia -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Current Business Intelligence In Academia? Answer: Introducation Electronic commerce is basically the process of carrying out business transactions by electronic, i.e. through the internet. It can be referred to as online buying and selling of goods or services of a business. Electronic commerce is a process that draws its effects and efficiency on technology advancement and improvement (Barnes et al, 2016), e.g. mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, online marketing and selling, data collection and exchange, business networking opportunities to name just but a few (Abebe, 2014). The e-commerce operates under four major business aspects, i.e. as business-to-business, business-to-consumer, consumer-to-consumer and consumer-to-business. Therefore, this means that electronic commerce enables businesses and its stakeholders to work as a team towards achieving business objectives in an effective and efficient manner. The business are able to connect with other businesses, the consumers and the consumers connect with each other (Hoque et al, 2017) . E-commerce can be applied through the use of emails, online catalogs, online shopping charts, internet services and the EDI to name a few things (Ferreira et al, 2017). Project Objective This research project is meant to identify, analyze and evaluate the opportunities and problems that face business organizations that have adopted the use of electronic commerce in Australia. The opportunities refer to the reasons or benefits that accrue to the use of e-commerce in businesses while problems refer to the challenges that are cause or hinder the adoption of e-commerce in businesses located in Australia. Project Scope A project scope is used to identify the projects deliverables and the requirements of the end product or result which includes the identification of the listing of the project constraints and location. The research project will be limited to the identification and discussion of just the opportunities and problems that face business that have adopted electronic commerce. Additionally, the project will focus only on the restaurant businesses that operate within Australia. The project will last for just two months. With the current rates and levels of technology improvement and advancement, the adoption of electronic commerce is also becoming a norm for and a popular operation aspect in almost all business enterprises (whether small or large) (Wixom et al, 2014). The improved technology has led to improved electronic and technological appliances and devices like mobile phones, computers, televisions, programs and other applications that can be used in those devices to access the internet (Laudon et al, 2013). Therefore, this has led a large number of businesses into adopting the use of electronic commerce, especially in the developed countries like Australia. Opportunities for Using Electronic Commerce As the worlds population levels increasing, so do the number of consumers in the market. This means that every consumer has their own needs and wants, has different preferences when it comes to shopping and payment methods among other things. Also, it is important to note that, of the total worlds population, the largest population is taken by the consumers with high spending rates and behavior. Apparently, almost every operations of the consumers, suppliers and other business stakeholders are being dominated by use of technological devices/appliances (Hew et al, 2016). In that case, this situation creates a great opportunity for business enterprises to adopt the use of electronic commerce which is possible only with devices that that can access the internet. The opportunity basically is to enable the businesses access the worlds growing and developing market segment. Competition Every business must find a way to gain competitive advantage of its rivals in the market and industry. In the modern world, there is a lot of competition of businesses especially those that are trying to be associated with technology development and advancement. However, research has shown that the online commerce platform is currently one the most competitive platforms in the world. Businesses are trying to get recognized through the use of social media networks like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter among others (Turban et al, 2017). The online commerce platform offers many businesses an opportunity to increase and improve their competitive advantage by exposing them to the world which basically one of the major ways for businesses to improve its performance and productivity. Growth Potential The electronic platform is one of the fastest growing field in the business world. The more the technology advancement, the more and faster the growth of the fields that rely on it. The electronic commerce id being used by large numbers of businesses, groups and individuals to conduct their daily operations. For instance, the platform can be used for different purposes like to marketing, making sales, making purchases, for sharing information, for promotion purposes, connectivity of different businesses among other things. In addition to that, the platform is still improving and its uses will increase and vary as well. Furthermore, research has shown that many consumers are already using the e-commerce which gives an opportunity to the businesses for their growth as well. According to Savru et al, 2014, the businesses that have adopted the use of the e-commerce get better opportunities for growth simply because they are capable of conducting almost all of their operations at once or in one platform and reach their intended customers worldwide. Global Market Access Electronic commerce uses the internet for its operations. The internet is a world wide web that offers connection to every computer and any other electronic device in the world that can access to internet. Therefore, this means electronic commerce is also available in the whole world and can be accessed by any device. This is basically one of the key opportunities that e-commerce offers to business organizations. They basically have the chance to conduct their operations all over the world, eg sell products and services. However, this is mostly possible for businesses that have adopted the use of the most current technology as well as in the developed countries whose technology advancement levels are high (Nanehkaran, 2013). Businesses located in such countries like Australia, find it easy to do business operations via e-commerce which contributes greatly to the businesss development. Other opportunities that e-commerce offers to business that have adopted its use are: offers opportunities for businesses to communicate effectively and efficiently with consumers, opportunities for easy advertising and marketing techniques, opportunity for better connectivity chances with other business especially during business information outsourcing operations, opportunities for improving and developing its technology status among others. Problems of Using Electronic Commerce in businesses In the current world, the technology advancement has caused increased rates of cyber insecurity. The internet has basically enabled many criminals to steal business information especially those that use e-commerce to conduct their operations. Among all the users of the internet especially the social media only desire to meddle with the business websites and information. Through this they get the opportunity to infect it with viruses or any other malicious program that interferes with the businesss operations (Wixom et al, 2014). In most cases, these situations are aimed at stealing business information or rather interfering with it, eg stealing food preparation recipes or financial data. Therefore, this is a problem for many businesses that have adopted the use of e-commerce. Increased number of Competitors A business that has adopted the use of e-commerce has exposed itself to the whole world and therefore faces competition from rivals all over the world. The number of competitors involved in an e-commerce platform and much more than those that are found in a local market. These businesses compete with businesses that produce or manufacture the same kind of products (foods) or services (eg accommodation and hotel services) and unless the businesss products are of higher and better quality than the competitors, then they will not be purchased by consumers (Turban et al, 2017). Therefore, the problem of many competitors can negatively a businesss performance and productivity among other things. High costs involves For a business to improve its performance and productivity levels, it must be able to manage and monitor its operations effectively and efficiently. Apparently, for a business to go digital or global, it can be a very costly process (Turban et al, 2016). The business should ensure that there is data availability, smarter methods of selling, advertising and marketing and the capability of operating a multichannel business in general which can be a very expensive process. Apart from these, there are other problems that are experienced by businesses that have adopted the use of electronic commerce, e.g. problems in maintaining customer loyalty, problems when customer return purchased products and need to be refunded their money, struggles when it comes to the shipping and transportation costs involved, management challenges (Hisrich et al, 2017),some businesses lack effective and attractive web content especially in a social media platform to name just but a few. Research Justification The research is based on the opportunities and problems of social electronic commerce for businesses in Australia. Just as mentioned earlier, a large of business organizations are currently using the e-commerce to conduct their operations. E-commerce has apparently become one of the most common and popular operations for businesses of today especially restaurants that are trying to be technologically advanced. However, since electronic commerce is entirely determined by technology advancement, any effect (whether positive or negative) caused by improvement in technology also affects e-commerce directly. In that case, it is important to note that research has shown that technology development has caused immense effects on the internet use, both positive and negative. Therefore, with many businesses especially restaurants currently using the social e-commerce like social medial platforms to market, advertise, sell products, communicate to consumers among other things, it is crucial to research on the opportunities and problems that are possibly faced by the businesses that have adopted e-commerce use. The methodology that will be used to conduct the research is the qualitative methodology. The methodology focuses entirely on the research of aspects that relate to human behavior and the result or cause of those behaviors (Gill et al, 2008). Therefore, in this case, the methodology will enable the researcher to examine the effects of the use of e-commerce in business that cannot be quantified or measured. Some of these effects are the opportunities and problems experienced by these businesses due to use of e-commerce. Data Collection Method The data will be collected by the use of interviews, questionnaires and observations which are the most effective data collection methods in collecting qualitative research data (Grossoehme, 2014). The researcher will conduct interviews for businesses managers and employees that are located close to the researchers location. The interviews will be carried out for respondents whose businesses are located far away from the researchers location. The interviews will focus on the respondents views, experiences, motivations, believes and opinions about the businesss decision to use social electronic commerce (Hoare et al, 2013). The observation will be carried out just like an additional way to get more information on the respondents. Reliability and Validity The method will be able to provide reliable and effective data because it is actually the best method for such a project. The research focuses on identifying the opportunities and problems experienced by businesses, in Australia that have adopted the use of social electronic commerce. These two are basically unquantifiable research aspects or variables therefore suitable to be determined by use of such a method. Sampling method and Sample Size The researcher will randomly choose restaurant businesses in any industry but those that use social electronic commerce and locate in Australia. The researcher will list them in disorderly order and choose a small sample size from the large group of businesses by choosing one business and passing the other. Research Limitations Every research faces some problems or limitations from the beginning of the research to the end. The following are some of the problems that the researcher may face during the research: Problems in identifying the specific most common opportunities experienced and problems faced by the businesses that use e-commerce in Australia. Problems in convincing businesses to share their experiences with the researcher Some businesses may not be available to answer the questionnaires or undergo the interviews Some respondents like managers may fail to give their opinions on the use of e-commerce by the business Time Schedule DAYS/DATE 1st-7thNov 2017 8th-14th Nov 2017 15th-29th Nov 2017 30th-13th Dec 2017 14th-21st Dec 2017 22nd-29th Dec 2017 Research topic Project scope and objectives Literature review Research methodology Research limitations Research conclusion 1st 2nd day Brainstorm Brainstorm on project scope Research on opportunities Methodology design Review research Review research 3rd 4th day Research Brainstorm on project objectives Research on opportunities Data collection method Review research Review research 5th day Compare options Decision making Research on opportunities Validity and reliability Review research Review research 6th 7th day Decide on topic Research on opportunities Sampling method and size List limitations Make conclusions 8th 9th day Research on problems 10th 11th day Research on problems 12th day Research on problems 13th 14th day Research on problems Concclusion Businesses that have adopted the use of social electronic commerce have been given great opportunities that are capable of improving their performance and increasing their productivity. For instance, they have the opportunity to access global market, face other business in the world to compete which gives them the chance to learn and develop, opportunity to increase their market share and segment and chance to grow or rather expand their operations. To add to that, these businesses also face certain problems like increased competition from various businesses, data security issues and expenses in maintaining the e-commerce operations. however, it is a very effective way for businesses nowadays that want to connect, market, advertise, making sales, communicate to and with customers and conduct other operations easily and efficiently. References Abebe, M. (2014). Electronic commerce adoption, entrepreneurial orientation and small-and medium-sized enterprise (SME) performance.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development,21(1), 100-116. Barnes, S., Hunt, B. (Eds.). (2013).E-commerce and v-business. Routledge. Ferreira, T., Pedrosa, I., Bernardino, J. 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