Saturday, November 9, 2019

Life Plan

In this essay I am suppose to explain what the plans for my life are, how I plan on achieving them and the problems I might face. If you have a goal it gives you a clear focus on things. It also helps you to organize your plans by letting you set time limits and boundaries. I think if you plan on achieving things in life then you have to set goals. After high school there are many things I want to do and accomplish in my life. My goals probably aren’t different from most kids, but it will take a lot of hard work to get where I want to be. I have many goals, but to accomplish these goals I will probably have many things that could get in the way. The reason I need to set goals is to make sure that I don’t fall behind in life and not achieve my dreams. Last summer I was into some bad things that really messed up my life. Luckily, I was assigned to Youth Court to help me through this. Youth Court is helping teach me the importance of goals because of the way it is set up. I have a 6 month sentence. During this time I have to complete certain goals. Writing this life plan is one goal, an apology letter due the 1st month, a shoplifting class the 2nd month, and a jail tour another month. I have jury duty the first Thursday of every month, I have to phone in weekly, I have to attend school regularly, stay out of trouble, obey my parents, obey 10:00 pm curfew, and complete 40 hours of community service by the end of the 6 month period. If all of this is not complete then I will not reach my goal of having my offense taken off my records. The way Youth Court is set up is to do a little each month until you can complete your goal. If I do the required stuff every month then by the time the 6 months is over I will have completed everything I needed to do in order in graduate from Youth Court and have my offense taken off my record. Even though I haven’t finished setting my goals, I already have some. Two of the most important are to be happy and successful, even if I haven’t started out so well. One goal I have is to get my drivers license, I have already finished my classroom training. I have just taken my written test and I now I my permit. I will have my permit for 6 months before I can get my license. I still need to complete my drivers training class which I am already signed up for. This is an important goal for me because I will need a license to drive. This leads to a goal I am trying to achieve and that is finding a job. I am starting to look for an after school/weekend job to save money to buy a car and for gas money. Another goal I have is to graduate from high school in 2 ? years. I have problems in school because I have learning disabilities, including ADHD. I am also in Special Education classes. I need to work hard every day so I can keep my grades up. I think the most important value that will make me successful is determination. In order to be successful in my life I have to stick with it. While you can be happy achieving something it can take a lot of effort. There can be many mistakes and setbacks, I already know about some of those. Another goal I have is to become an x-ray technician.

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