Monday, February 17, 2020

Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument Essay

Colosseum as an enormous triumphal monument - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that building of the Colosseum started under Emperor’s Vespasian rule around the 70-72 AD. This construction was funded by the spoils that were retrieved from the Jewish Temple after Jerusalem was taken over. The location chosen in constructing the Colosseum was a flat region on the floor of a valley amid the Palatine, Esquiline, and Caelian Hills., all the way through which a canalized watercourse ran. By the second century, this area was densely populated. The Great Fire of Rome devastated the area in AD 64. After the occurrence of this event, Nero grabbed a bigger part of the area adding a lot to his personal domain. Nero built the grandiose Domus Aurea on the location, creating a man-made lake that had pavilions, porticoes, and gardens surrounding it. The Aqua Claudia that existed was extended in supplying water to the locality and the gigantic bronze, Nero’s Colossus was mounted nearby at the Domus Aurea entrance. Even th ough the Colossus was conserved, to a great extent of the Domus Aurea was taken down. The land was used again as an area for the latest Flavian Amphitheatre and the lake was filled. Gladiatorial schools and various support buildings were developed nearby within the Domus Aurea former grounds. As stated in reconstructed writing found at the location, â€Å"emperor Vespasian ordered this new amphitheater to be erected from his general’s share of the booty.† This is believed to refer to the immense treasure the Romans seized after they won the Great Jewish revolt in the 70 AD.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 117

Case Study Example The facility had always kept daily production records, but from what Helen could tell, no one ever consulted them or did anything with them other than to put them in file cabinets at the end of each reporting period. She thought that in principle she should be able to monitor production rates for the types of machines, identify any machines that seemed to be in need of adjustment, and characterize the amount of downtime to be expected. Accordingly, she extracted one days production records for 116 presses at her facility. The machines were scheduled for a shift of 7.75 hours each day. The operators recorded the hours of operation manually on clipboards kept near each machine. The actual quantities of parts produced were determined from automatic counters on the machines. The data on the next two pages (and in file PROD) were derived from these logs. Based on the statistics above, we can advise Jane for a machine type to be considered as being effective, it must be able to produce parts that are between 5084 and 320242 in number. The machine type must also be able to operate a minimum of 0.58 hours and a maximum of 7.75 hrs. From the statistics of central tendency, machine type 2 is the best for producing parts and also uses minimum time. When the press was down, machine type 2 is the best since it has the minimum standard